
Blair Thomas

Blair Thomas by Joe Mazza at Brave LuxBlair Thomas started his first puppet company The Palace Puppeteers when he was 10 years old and for three years toured churches and schools in his home town of Jacksonville, Alabama. The second company he started was Redmoon Theater in 1989, where he served as the artistic director and co-artistic director until 1998, during which time he was principal in the creation of all its productions, parades and pageants. He has now full heartedly returned to the puppet theater with the founding of his current company Blair Thomas & Company in 2002. Twice he has received the international UNIMA awards for excellence in the art of puppetry and twice awarded the Illinois Arts Council Fellowship awards. He was the first artist to fill the Jim Henson Artist-in-Residence position at the University of Maryland and currently teaches puppetry at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. He is a drop out from the Oberlin Conservatory of Music but a graduate of Oberlin College.



Artistic Associate Bios

Mark Messing,

Michael Zerang,
composer, percussionist

Shoshanna Utchenik, puppet designer

Michael Peter Smith, singer/songwriter, composer

Jesse Mooney-Bullock, puppet designer

Andrea Everman,
puppet designer